Million Years Ago Translation

- 1 min

title: “Million Years Ago 歌词翻译” layout: post date: 2015-11-24 13:01:05 image: /assets/images/markdown.jpg headerImage: false tag:

I only wanted to have fun Learning to fly, learning to run I let my heart decide the way When I was young Deep down I must have always known That this would be inevitable To earn my stripes I’d have to pay And bare my soul

I know I’m not the only one Who regrets the things they’ve done Sometimes I just feel it’s only me Who can stand the reflection that they see

I wish I could live a little more Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother; I miss it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a million years ago

When I walk around all of the streets Where I grew up and found my feet They can’t look me in the eye It’s like they’re scared of me I try to think of things to say Like a joke or a memory But they don’t recognize me now In the light of day

I know I’m not the only one Who regrets the things they’ve done Sometimes I just feel it’s only me Who never became who they thought they’d be I wish I could live a little more

Look up to the sky, not just the floor I feel like my life is flashing by And all I can do is watch and cry I miss the air, I miss my friends I miss my mother, I miss it when Life was a party to be thrown But that was a million years ago A million years ago

我于纵乐,切飞切行。 我于心载,及笄炳炳。 知其必然,争其坦然。 非我所依,所为悔极。 非我不依,心镜通明。 若身久矣,极目穹宇。 白驹过却,青衫长泣。 游息所交,甚念至亲。 觥筹百年,交错难弃。 旧巷野草,顾盼难凝。 几欲探问,惊骇行人。 非我所依,所为悔极。 非我不依,失梦未及。 若身久矣,极目穹宇。 白驹过却,青衫长泣。 游息所交,甚念至亲。 觥筹百年,百年难弃。

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